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Join US June 16, 2023 - Live Chestnut Chat: Documentary Q&A

The American Chestnut Foundation (TACF) is thrilled to announce that its long-anticipated documentary film CLEAR DAY THUNDER: Rescuing the American Chestnut is a wrap! This 53-minute film highlights the story of the tree’s exceptional significance, the people determined to save it, and its promising future.

This will be the topic of our next LIVE Chestnut Chat (Zoom) on Friday, June 16 at 11:30AM (EST). We’ll be joined by TACF’s Director of Communications Jules Smith to discuss the making of and goals for the film and by filmmaker Rod Murphy of Collective Projects to answer questions related to creative development. We will also be joined by Mari Peterson of Marketing Outpost who, along with her team, has played an invaluable role in the success of this project and is coordinating screenings. She will share information about the film’s website, how to host a screening, promotional materials, special screenings for supporters, and future rollout plans at public and private venues and festivals.


Computer (via Zoom Webinar) Pre-register for the June Chestnut Chat here. After registering you will receive a unique URL link to use to join the event on the day of the chat. You can also add the event to your calendar from the webinar registration approval page. The meeting will open 15 minutes prior to the start time to allow an audio and video test.


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